Posted by Ewnice on 25th Aug 2017
DIY : Homemade Teething Rusks
'My 8 month old has been teething for 2 months and we have been going through rusk sticks like anything. Since they are pretty tasteless, my little one is slowly losing interest in them and throwing them on the floor. So I thought I'll try and be all Susie Homemaker and make my own.
In the end, they were really easy and quick to mix, cook, clean up and boom! All done during a terrible cat nap session by previously mentioned child. I even made a few cookie shaped ones for Miss 2 year old to try in case she wanted to eat some with her brother... Which she did and loved! ( So definitely going to try and make these again - maybe even as a toddler activity with her.)
Since I have an airFryer I figured I could make up a dough and cut them into bars to bake. So the most time consuming part was baking in batches as the airfryer could only fit about 5 bars at a time.
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup dry rice cereal (I used a oats/prunes Cerelac one)
- 1 ripe mashed banana
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 3-4 tablespoons of water
Makes roughly 12
- Preheat airFryer to 180degrees (220 for an oven)
- Mix in bowl the dry ingredients
- Add banana, oil & water
- Combine until it forms a non-sticky, firm dough
- Add water or flour if needed (slowwwwly)
- Sprinkle flour on surface & roll dough out to abt 2-3cm thick
- Cut into bars (or shapes)
- Cook on a lightly greased tray for 8-10 mins
- Cool completely & store in air tight container
Super easy and a big hit with the kids. I found these much easier to clean up afterwards as bits fell off in lil chunks as opposed to the store bought ones, which flake off like wet cardboard crumbs (is that a thing?) that are impossible to simple wipe up.
As always, use these rusks under supervision with your child.